In my previous post, I wrote about projects I would still like to pursue. I did forget one, one from about age 6: create an interactive fiction game. Perhaps one could play Mord on his adventures? Every encounter and battle must start with “I am Mord. I serve my lord Kord with my greatsword.” or the player comes to an abrupt and brutal end. Yeah, that would be fun…
But in any event, my sage wife said “So how are you going to get these projects done? How long are you willing to let them go on for? 5 years? 10 years?” Man, she cuts to the heart of the matter. “Can you do these in 5 or 10 minute pieces? Surely you can find some time to do these. You do seem to read a lot of blog entries and news….”
And so it has come to pass that I have unsubscribed to almost all blogs (just personal ones left and David Pogue). I cut Daring Fireball, Scott Adams, Bad Astronomy, Flowing Data, all of them. Plus a bunch of blog noise anyway. All gone.
Further, no more news. No more NYTimes (they never blocked my access those bums!), no more Google News. None of it. Not even the great and glorious Mac Rumors. All gone.
My Firefox opens up to my Flickr page of my daughter and Google Chrome opens up my various project pages. No more Google search page for a home page or a void to fill–work and baby. Trying to unplug from Gmail too, but that’s a bit harder.
I take care of baby, mama, house, and I create. Funny, I unplug myself so that I can create in the hope that others are plugged in. But really, what choice is there? How much of that info did I ever find useful, energizing, restive? So much noise and anger from all sides. Pointless jabber.
So it is that I start on 3 projects: Programming Math–goal of 1-2 posts a week, Mord blog–goal of 1 post every two days until done (maybe July?), and the gamebook analysis/app–2 weeks to get a prototype on a short adventure and then 2 weeks per book.
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Besides the personal blogs and Pogue, you’ll have shared posts acting as a human filter. But now that I know you’ve unsubscribed to all those feeds, there’s much more I’ll need to share with you.
I suppose there’s the good kind of 5-10 year run and the bad kind. Here’s to the former!
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