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I see dead code

So I am trying to improve my approach to parsing. So I was adding this to a property called ledHelp:

'+':function(left, right){
    this.value = left.value + right.value;
    this.instructions = 'Take '+left.value+' and ADD to '+right.value+' to get '+this.value;
    out('+:', this.instructions);
'*':function(left, right){
    this.value = left.value * right.value;
    this.instructions = 'Take '+left.value+' and MULTIPLY by '+right.value+' to get '+this.value;
    out('*:', this.instructions);
'/':function(left, right){
    this.value = left.value / right.value;
    this.instructions = 'Take '+left.value+' and DIVIDE by '+right.value+' to get '+this.value;
    out('/:', this.instructions);
'-':function(left, right){
    this.value = left.value - right.value;
    this.instructions = 'Take '+left.value+' and SUBTRACT to '+right.value+' to get '+this.value;
    out('-:', this.instructions);},
'**':function(left, right){
    this.value =  Math.pow(left.value, right.value);
    this.instructions = 'Take '+left.value+' and RAISE IT to the POWER '+right.value+' to get '+this.value;
    out('**:', this.instructions);
'^':function(left, right){
    this.value =  Math.pow(left.value, right.value);
    this.instructions = 'Take '+left.value+' and RAISE IT to the POWER '+right.value+' to get '+this.value;
    out('^:', this.instructions)

And I see the incredible similarity (it was copied and pasted) and that irritated me. As it should all good programmers. But I was having a hard time coming up with how to manage this. And then it hit me: iterate over an array with the different stuff and plug-n-play. Notice in the code below how I use functions as data and also rely upon closures:

var ops = [
    ['+', function(l,r) {return l+r}, 'ADD to '],
    ['-', function(l,r) {return l-r}, 'SUBTRACT '],
    ['*', function(l,r) {return l*r}, 'MULTIPLY by '],
    ['/', function(l,r) {return l/r}, 'DIVIDE by '],
    ['^', function(l,r) {return Math.pow(l,r)}, 'RAISE it to the POWER '],
    ['**', function(l,r) {return Math.pow(l,r);}, 'ADD to '],
$.each(ops, function(index, op) {
    var id = op[0];
    var operator = op[1];
    var description = op[2];
    instructions.ledHelp[id] = function(left, right) { //overwrites above if needed
        this.value = operator(left.value, right.value);
        this.instructions = 'Take '+left.value+' and '+description+right.value+' to get '+this.value;
        out(id+':', this.instructions);

Which would you prefer to maintain? And notice that if I want to comment out the instructions bit, I do it once, not once for each operation. And to add more, I write some more code in the template and add an extra bit on the array. I could even assemble the array from various bits if I wanted to.

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