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{ Category Archives } Computer Tech

CMS: Sakai, Blackboard, Moodle

This is about CMSs and why HTML rocks while custom behavior is bad. My first CMS usage was with Blackboard in 2004. That was horrible. I put some basic materials up and ignored it. I used my own blog software for my students (using perl) and generally it was not pleasant though it was fun. [...]

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Faster Browsing

OKay, the other day my ISP’s DNS went down and my browsing came to a screeching halt. This made me aware of DNS issues. I had an iPhone so I searched for Comcast being down and got Google’s display of tweets about the issue. And they said to try using Google’s DNS at After [...]


WordPress, nginx, and Dreamhost

So I found the blog to be slow, really slow. I checked my memory and cpu usage and it seemed all normal. The command ps -eF was useful for listing processes, but my host also has a graph of used resources and it all looked well within my limits. I learned about apache benchmark and [...]


Video done; I want good defaults

I have finished my video lectures. They consist of ten weeks of videos with 2-4 hours of videos each week, probably 30 hours in total. It took me 2 months to accomplish that and I still have the encoding and uploading to do. But at least the recording is done. It is exhausting. An hour [...]


Okay this is a short summary of lessons learned in my ffmpeg journey to encoding and compressing my files. I use a 27in iMac (called ScarMac due to its beautiful left-side scar that came with it) and record videos using the built in camera and Screenflow. The default export to h264 gave a compression that [...]

iPad delivered

I got my iPad yesterday. I am typing on it now. It is nice. I look forward to using it daily to consume media. But I think creating is not yet convenient. Though it can certainly be done. I think in the world of learning, this could be huge. And I mean more than just [...]

iPad ?

Today I bought an iPad. Cost: 666 Ominous? Yes. Costly? Yes. Aweomse? Oh yeah. I can’t wait to get it. Not only for development purposes, but just the idea of being able to consume media (even simple books) easily and beautifully. My 27’’ iMac (scarMac) has been amazing to have and use. And I think [...]

Tools of the trade

Technologies of use: iPhone Resources GoogleApps cocos2d An iPhone 2D game engine. Pretty sweet so far.Useful resources (pre 0.9): cocos2d home, tutorials: (start/help, rocks), class overview jQuery DTerm This a MacOSX program that opens a terminal command line at the location. It uses cmd-shift-return to open, esc to close. It is great for doing something [...]


Web setup

Working on learning iPhone programming (Cocoa), Google App Engine (scalable backend web apps), Python (goes with App and traditional server), html, css, jquery. Mastering all of these technologies should give a full toolkit for developing all of the web apps one needs. Dashcode can also be useful for quick webpage production. The idea is that [...]

Webserver and Mac

Well, I got a fully functional web environment going. I figured out how to get Apache and Python to work with each other on ScarMac. So now, I can develop as if I am on my webserver, but just locally. Then I upload to my website. One thing is that the python scripts have to [...]